My Thoughts: Why Bigfoot?

Noah & Wife 

Why Bigfoot?

I've believed in Bigfoot's existence for some time. I just like to always settle it in my mind.

The Bible speaks of how they came into existence, but NOT like the popular mainstream views: which is that angels mated with humans. NO, THIS VIEW is NOT supported scripturally.

The start of the problem was when that long-lived antediluvian race of people, using 100% of their brains, began to splice animal DNA with the uteri eggs of "the daughters of men" (Genesis 6:1-9), which were the wicked generation of Cain's line.

This created the wild hybrids. Some of which became civilized, and are depicted on the hieroglyphic walls of the Egyptian cities - even seen today

The corruption escalated, when "the sons of God" (that of the righteous Seth's line), "saw that the daughters of men" (who had part animal DNA in them) were very sexually attractive, and the righteous line began to mate with those of the corrupted seed (Genesis 6:2)

"Giants" in Genesis 6:4 is the translation to English, from the word "nephilim" meaning "fallen ones" or to "fall away" (according to Strong's Concordance). This represents then the "fallen" depths that man was taken to, when animal DNA was inserted into DNA of the pure race. "Giants"/nephilim only occurs in the Bible 3 times - twice in Numbers 13:33.
This defaced the Image of God more than anything else done. Causing, of necessity, for God to destroy "man & beast" from "off of the face of the Earth" 3 SG 64, 75 * 
So then, all the human race's DNA became corrupt, except Noah's only (Gen.6:9). Compare with "Adam, the son of God" in Luke 3:38.

This same problem took root in the newly cleansed Earth (Genesis 10:8-10; Deut.3:11; see also Babylon's 'sorceries' in Rev.9:20-21; 18:23 - (& many other text of proof). Babylon, after the Flood, is no different than the Babylon of today - she is still working her "sorceries."

Babylon is still TODAY trying to confuse the species any way she can - and to manipulate our DNA, in order to have a strong, but ignorant slave race (Lev.18:23).  AND establish a central government to control the people, as did the people when they built the "Tower of Babel" (Gen.11:1-9). Verse 7, explains the reason for so many languages on the a Earth today.

THUS, God saw fit to shorten men's lives (Genesis 6:3).

NEVERTHELESS, we now all have some of this corrupted DNA in us (which the biologists call '2-4% Neanderthal' - the African race has a different type of corrupted DNA).



HOWEVER, there are some of these ancient giants still roaming above & "under the Earth" - such as Bigfoot (Philippians 2:10). Not to mention the newly created hybrids that emerge once in a while.

As in the "Days of Noah" - (and even after the Great Flood) we will see "giants" roam this PRESENT day EARTH once again! (Num.13:33).  Here is what Jesus told us:

"Men’s hearts [will be] failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth..." (Luke 21:26)
I have more of "My Thoughts" in future posts.

I recommend this video by "Thinker Thunker" who reveals expert proof: White Bigfoot Caught at Night

* A quote from a widely known spiritual leader, and inspired Godly woman:

"Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The confused species which God did not create, which were the result of amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in ... [divisions of the] races of men." – {3SG 75.2}

CAVEAT: the extent of this DNA corruption was not understood in E.G. White's day of 1888.  It then pleased God to withhold these statements, until such time as when science caught up with what was revealed, and more light was had on biblical revelation. As a result, there was a one word deletion and a slight correction inserted within the body of this quote (by the writer of this Post). The sole intention was to bring clarity. The word deleted was "certain." There was never any intention on the author's part to demean any particular race. Mrs. White was a Godly woman directed by God.

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